What can poop tell you about your dog’s health?

Well, poop is not something you really talk about? but the fact is that every day we pick up poop in bags and throw it in a trash can. Sometimes we carry it around for miles until we find a trash can.

So why not take 3 seconds and check your dog’s health!

the color can of course vary depending on what your dog has eaten but a guideline is brown and shades
of brown.

To keep an eye on here is:
pale, white color- indicating problems with the liver or gallbladder. Here you need to contact your vet immediately. White spots can also be worms. The roundworm as an example is yellowish-white

Red color, red spots: blood or spots of blood can be a variety of causes such as infections or tumors. If it is recurrent, contact your vet.

Black color/tarry: Indicates blood that has clotted, i.e. bleeding high up in the gastrointestinal tract.
Contact a veterinarian
Yellow, light yellow color: can indicate liver problems, but also gluten intolerance. Contact a veterinarian

White mucus on the surface indicates inflammation of the large intestine, colitis.
Most often, adding extra fiber to the diet or switching to a more fiber-rich feed can help.
If this does not help, contact your vet.

Poop can smell bad, but a rule of thumb is: The better the diet, feed, the less disgusting the odor.

Dog poop should be firm in consistency and you should be able to pick it up in the bag without it sticking or clinging. But it shouldn’t be rock hard either.

Loose texture: Bacterial imbalance in the gut (due to e.g.: stress, many changes of feed),
dietary sensitivity, (e.g. too much cheese at the breakfast table)
a medical condition such as a viral infection or liver disease.

Hard texture: Reduced fluid intake (dehydration), lack of fiber in the diet,

Finally, what should the perfect poo look like?
Well, solid and brown, your dog should poop 1-2 times a day and should not push hard to poop.
It should also not smell too much.
This is of course also linked to feeding and extra things like treats, chewing or leftovers as examples.

Keep track of these 4a things: Color, Content, Texture and Surface.
By detecting changes in time, you can prevent more serious consequences.
Bid for 3 seconds ? during the dog walk